Four Industries That Should Outsource Their Tech Support


Running a business is a lot of work. Whether you are a one-person show or you run a multinational corporation, there’s no doubt that there are a lot of things to think about. Often, young startup entrepreneurs will wait to start outsourcing their tech support, IT personnel, and even content writing because they want to maintain as much control as possible for as long as possible. And, if we’re being honest, they want to hang on to their capital for as long as possible.

Yes, it costs money to outsource, but the sooner business owners realize that paying for help is more lucrative than trying to everything on their own or assigning even more duties to their overworked staff as it is, the better off everyone will be. Here are the top four industries that should be considering outsourcing their tech support and why.


Any Other Tech Company

It might seem redundant for a tech company to hire another tech company to perform their IT, but when it comes to IT Support, startups don’t always have the skills and experience to ensure the kind of security and backup that is necessary to protect today’s customers and their information.

Plus, it becomes just one more thing that the already strapped-for-time tech company needs to worry about and that’s just a ticking time bomb. A good rule of thumb for tech companies to follow is to support other tech companies. Not because of the money exchanged, but because of what can be learned and shared between the companies so that both can thrive and grow.

Financial Institutions

It goes without saying that ensuring high-quality tech support for a financial institution is a must. So why then are banks and other financial institutions still hellbent on performing these services and tasks in-house? There is a better way.

Outsourcing IT is an important part of ensuring security and data management because it provides a third-party liability. Hiring someone to do a job means they are responsible for the job. Hiring the right IT firm means that the job gets done right. While it might take time for a business or even a bank to find the right IT company, it is worth the effort to invest in a third-party resource for such tasks.

Educational Facilities

If there’s one industry that is suffering more than health care, it’s education. Universities, colleges and even public school systems are suffering a great deal due to lack of funding and supports. And with so little money available, it might seem like an idiotic move to invest in an outside source to provide IT support, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Rather than having to hire an in-house employee and pay them a salary, benefits, provide sick time and coverage when that person or team is away from their desks, outsourcing means your IT needs are covered morning, noon, and night for a lot less than the school thinks.

Non-Profit Organizations

There was a time when many believed that non-profit organizations didn’t make money. The term, “non-profit” is very misleading. Rest assured, non-profit organizations make a lot of money.

They might not be rolling in the dough, but they have their operational costs covered and can certainly afford to invest in a high-quality outsourcing team to cover their IT needs. But why bother when someone on the team can do it? Because non-profit organizations have an obligation to use the funds they obtain through the sales of merchandise, services, or grants in a responsible and reasonable way.

Everyone in the company can’t take vacations on the profits, but the profits can be used to ensure operations are flowing smoothly. And one way to ensure a smooth operation is to ensure that the IT department is always on and ready to respond. Outsourcing that kind of service means that non-profit organizations never have to worry about whether or nottheir tech is working.

The truth is that any business that can afford to outsource support, should. It’s money well spent. The time it takes to invest in training, developing, and supporting employees can be focused on other areas of your operation that make you money. Good IT support doesn’t always make you money, but it certainly prevents you from losing money.

It’s something to consider as you carry on in your entrepreneurial endeavors, and if you are thinking about how to proceed, start by making a list of tasks and jobs that don’t need to be in-house. Then go find yourself a reputable IT support service.


1. How can outsourcing tech support benefit my industry?

Outsourcing tech support can provide access to a larger pool of technical expertise, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently and reduce labor costs. It can also provide a way to rapidly respond to customer inquiries and gain an in-depth understanding of customer needs and preferences.

2. What type of tech support services can be outsourced?

By outsourcing tech support, industries can access a wide range of services including desktop support, server management, network maintenance and repair, software installation, database management, website maintenance, security assessment and monitoring, and cloud computing services.

3. What tasks should be kept in-house versus outsourced?

Generally speaking, tasks such as customer service, customer outreach, research and analysis, and strategic decision-making should remain in-house, whereas technical support and maintenance tasks are more suited for outsourcing.

4. What should I consider before outsourcing tech support?

When selecting a tech support service provider, be sure to consider their level of experience, industry certifications, customer service approach, cost structure and pricing, scalability and growth potential, service delivery timeline, and terms of service.

5. How long does it typically take to set up an outsourced tech support system?

The timeline for setting up outsourcing tech support will vary depending on the complexity of the services required. In many cases, however, the process can be completed in a few weeks.

6. How can I ensure the quality of outsourced tech support services?

When evaluating potential service providers, be sure to ask for references and user reviews. Additionally, consider the provider’s industry certifications, customer service approach, and service level agreements.

7. What are the risks associated with outsourcing tech support?

The main risk associated with outsourcing tech support is the potential for data breaches, supply chain disruptions, and other security breaches when working with third-party vendors. It’s important to consider your industry’s compliance requirements and ensure that the provider adheres to all necessary regulatory requirements.

8. How can I ensure that data security is maintained when outsourcing tech support?

The provider should be able to demonstrate their commitment to data security and provide documentation outlining their privacy and security protocols. It’s also important to review their data handling practices and verify that any third-party vendors they utilize are also compliant.

9. Is there any degree of customization available with outsourced tech support?

Yes, most tech support service providers offer customizable services in order to provide an optimal customer experience and meet the unique needs of each industry.

10. How do I evaluate whether outsourcing tech support is a good fit for my industry?

By evaluating your industry’s specific needs, current level of customer service, and pain points, you can make a more informed decision about the pros and cons of outsourcing tech support for your business.

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