How to Boost Your Social Media Following: Seven Steps

In the digital world, social media followers have become a new form of currency. The larger the size of your following, the greater your reach, and the higher your potential to create new business. Not only can you use your social media platform to share the content you create and shape the perception of your brand, but you can also use it to interact with your audience. 

Regardless of if you’re a social media influencer, multinational corporation, or relatively new start-up, this is the article for you. In this blog, we’ll be covering seven of the best methods you can adopt to boost your social media following. Keep reading to find out what they are…  

Post Regularly 

Posting regularly on your social media channels will give potential followers a reason to keep up with you. Plus, it will avoid any of your existing followers from hitting that unfollow button. We recommend you post at least once every two days. 

Know Your Audience 

If you hope to attract more followers, you’ll need to know who your content is appealing to. What demographic are you trying to appeal to? What are their interests? What are their concerns? 

Keep Branding Consistent 

Make sure to keep your branding consistent throughout your posts. For example, if you’re going to include a professional logo on your images, you’ll need to make background transparent across all renditions of your logo. 

Collaborate with Like Minded People 

When you collaborate with like-minded people, events, influencers, or brands, you can appeal to their respective followers and invite them to join your audience. However, make sure these collaborations are genuine as these collaborations will create the most impact. 

Post at Specific Times 

Apart from enhancing your engagement rates, posting at specific times can help increase your visibility to other potential followers. For example, if your tailored audience is mainly based in the United States, it wouldn’t make sense to post whilst they are all asleep. 

Focus on Select Channels 

Rather than trying to boost your following across five different social media platforms, we recommend that you focus your efforts into one channel. For example, if you’re appealing to Gen Z, we recommend you ditch Facebook and focus on Instagram and TikTok instead. 

Host Promotional Contests 

One of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to gaining new Instagram followers is to host promotional contests. You can give away a free product or experience to one of your existing followers by telling them to tag a friend, comment, and share your post. 

All in all, it’s important to keep it consistent with your social media content. Try to keep the same brand and vision throughout your feed. Don’t be afraid to tweak a few things here and there until you find a method that works just right for you. Remember, quality is better than quantity, so don’t be disheartened if you don’t gain hundreds of followers right away. Make sure to follow our tips and watch your social media following grow. 


1. What techniques can I use to increase my social media following?

You can implement techniques such as creating content that encourages engagement, connecting with influencers, promoting your posts, and running giveaways or contests.

2. How do I gain followers on social media?

To gain followers on social media, create content that’s interesting and relevant to your business and target audience, be active and consistent in posting, engage with other users, use hash tags, and take advantage of influencer marketing and promotional campaigns.

3. How do I make my social media posts go viral?

To make your posts go viral, create shareable content, use visuals and engaging captions, use relevant hashtags, add a call to action, and interact with your audience.

4. How can I get more likes and shares on social media?

You can get more likes and shares on social media by creating interesting content that resonates with your target audience, including visuals, adding calls to action, responding to comments and messages, and running giveaways or contests.

5. What tactics can I use to grow my social media following quickly?

To grow your social media following quickly, you can use tactics such as creating engaging content, running promotions or contests, utilizing influencers, running paid advertising campaigns, and collaborating with other users.

6. How do I create content that attracts followers on social media?

To create content that attracts followers on social media, focus on creating content that offers value, is interesting and relevant to your target audience, and is high-quality. Utilize visuals, optimize your posts using hashtags, and consider using stories instead of posts.

7. How do I make sure my content gets seen on social media?

To make sure your content is seen, use popular hashtags that relate to your post’s content, mention other relevant accounts in your post, boost your posts with paid promotion, join group conversations, and interact with other users.

8. How can I establish relationships with influencers on social media?

You can establish relationships with influencers on social media by researching and connecting with influencers related to your audience, providing them value and engaging with their content, and leveraging collaborations with those influencers to collaborate on content and create campaigns.

9. What is the best way to get more engagement on my social media posts?

The best way to get more engagement on social media posts is to optimize your post using relevant hashtags, create content that’s engaging, visually appealing and offers value, as well as interact with other users’ comments and posts.

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